Favorite Quotes from Each Book I Read in 2023

I have read 11 books in 2023 (little less than what I had planned for the year).

Here’s my favourite quote from each of them (in the order of reading):


We always expected our external world to reflect our internal one, but it was situations like these that reminded me the world would go on no matter what happened to us individually. It was equal parts reassuring and depressing.

Twisted Lies by Ana Huang


It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting…

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho


I can be my own version. I don’t need anyone’s help – unless I ask for it. And it’s perfectly okay to ask for it.

A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime by Monica Murphy


I’m just overwhelmed with love. With happiness. I never thought life could be this good.

Birthday Kisses by Monica Murphy


I’ll never stop being greedy when it comes to Zahra. She will always be the exception to any rule and the one person I’m willing to screw the world over for. Because if she’s not happy, I’ll ruin whatever stole her smile, myself included.

The Fine Print by Lauren Asher


Marriage is like going on a road trip with the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, except you have no map or fancy GPS system to help you out. You might not always agree on what music to play or which direction you should go. I can guarantee there will be moments you want to rip your hair out—or each other’s. Just like there will be times that test you, where you think that maybe things would be easier if you hitch a ride with someone else. The point is, life is going to throw a lot of things at you. Stuff like flat tires, dead ends, and mechanical issues. But you can either make the most of the journey with one another or cry about never getting to your destination. No one can make the right decision but you.

Terms and Conditions by Lauren Asher


I suppose what scares me is giving in to the unknown.

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides


To everyone who has been underestimated. I hope you prove everyone wrong, including yourself.

That’s the thing about falling in love. You don’t exactly expect it to happen until you’re crash landing into someone else’s arms, wondering how the hell you lost the battle against gravity in the first place.

Final Offer by Lauren Asher


Everything is changing. It has to. You can’t stop time. All you can do is point yourself in direction and hope the wind will let you get there.

Happy Place by Emily Henry


I realised that people’s reactions had more to do with them, more to do with who they were, than anything about me.

Archer’s Voice by Mia Sheridan


To those waiting on love, be patient. Love is a total drama queen, It’s just waiting to make an entrance.

The American Roommate Experiment by Elena Armas

PS: Happy 40th Birthday Matt 🎉. Thank you for the nudge to move this one from draft to published.

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